EST: 1958
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Friday - March 3, 2023 1:26 pm     Article Hits:2452 0
Sunday - October 17, 2021 1:14 am     Article Hits:4166 0
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EST: 1958

Welcome to our website

The          Government     Medical     and     Dental     Officers     Association (GMDOA) is a nonprofit, professional body founded in 1958. The    Association        regroups    Specialists,    Dental    Surgeons,    Medical and   Health   Officers   working   in   the   public   sector   in   Mauritius   and Rodrigues.
About us - Our Objectives GMDOA was founded on 27 June 1958 and is the oldest medical association in Mauritius. The Objectives of the Association are:  To regulate the relations between its members and Government, and between its members and other employees; and to secure just and proper wages and conditions of work.
Our Activities - CME’s The GMDOA provides continuing medical education (CME) courses and events  that help its members to advance their clinical knowledge or improve their practice through  CME, live activities/Conferences and performance improvement (PI) CME activities. Click on the link to see any upcoming events.
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Friday - March 3, 2023 1:26 pm     Article Hits:2452 0
Sunday - October 17, 2021 1:14 am     Article Hits:4166 0
Without fear or favour
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